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Revival Today Audio Podcast

Revival Today Audio Podcast features Live Weekly Revival Teaching by Jegede Sunday Emmanuel. 

Pastor Jegs (as he is fondly called) is a seasoned and passionate pastor, missionary, author and teacher of God's Word. He is deeply committed to revival of true Christianity, and to preparing and equipping labourers for the end-time revival and harvest.

Pastor Jegs is the General Coordinator of Heralds of Revival Ministries.

For more information, please visit

Aug 26, 2023

God is actively speaking, leading, or guiding His children in life. 

Your born-again spirit or recreated heart naturally hears, knows, recognizes, and accepts God's voice, leading, or guidance, but your mind or brain does not.

God often speaks, leads, or guides His children in a combination of ways to eliminate...

Aug 19, 2023

When God speaks, leads, or guides you, your born-again spirit or recreated heart naturally hears, knows, and understands God's voice, leading, or guidance.

However, your mind does not naturally know, recognize or understand God's voice, leading, or guidance.

Learn how to train your mind to know, discern, or recognize...

Aug 12, 2023

Enjoying God's leading or guidance is the blood-bought heritage of every believer in Christ.

God is faithfully committed to leading, guiding, and directing His children.

Learn how to begin to enjoy God's leading in Part 1 of this enlightening teaching series.

Aug 5, 2023

In biblical interpretation, context is king. It is a significant key to interpreting the Scripture correctly.

The authoritative meaning of a biblical text resides in its context. Therefore, you must never take a text or verse out of its context to interpret it.

Instead, you must always allow the context of a text...