Mar 28, 2020
Living a supernatural life is impossible without the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
However, it takes much more than just having the Holy Spirit to live a supernatural life.
Learn how to live a supernatural life by letting the Holy Spirit have you in Part 2 of our latest inspiring teaching series.
Mar 21, 2020
The Christian life is not intended and expected by God to be an ordinary, normal, natural, or common life.
Rather, the Christian life is intended and expected by God to be a supernatural life.
Discover how God has thoroughly equipped you in Christ to live a supernatural life in this world in Part 1 of our...
Mar 14, 2020
The Good Shepherd (the Lord Jesus Christ) is always leading out His sheep and guiding them in the right path. He actively does this in a combination of ways.
While the Lord primarily leads, guides or directs His children through His written Word and inward knowing, voice and witness of the Holy Spirit, He also gives...
Mar 7, 2020
A Christian is not just a mere believer in Christ but also a follower of Christ.
Following Christ is not a one-time decision and action, but rather a dynamic, active and continuous life-time decision and action.
Christ is actively leading you in life as a Good Shepherd leads and directs His sheep.
In Part 4 of this...