Jul 28, 2018
Not only can God heal all kinds of sickness and disease, He is always willing to heal all kinds of sickness and disease, and He does heal the sick freely, without hesitation, criticizing or finding fault.
This enlightening and inspiring teaching clearly reveals God's disposition or inclination towards healing the...
Jul 21, 2018
Receiving and enjoying divine healing starts with renewing your mind according to the truths of God's Word.
This informative teaching (Part 1 in a series) explores the Scripture to present God's answers to relevant questions on healing such as:
How did sickness get into the world?
What is the primary cause of...
Jul 14, 2018
The Ultimate Goal of Redemption is to make Man become one with God - to bring, raise, or exalt the fallen man into the Family of God.
You cannot live a triumphant, victorious, and prosperous Christian life without being grounded in the revelation knowledge of your redemption status, rights, and privileges.
Jul 7, 2018
All things were made through Jesus Christ (God's Word). So, by rights Jesus Christ is the heir (possessor) of all things.
Being united with Christ, you are now a joint heir of all things belonging to Christ. You are blessed together with Christ.
All things belonging to Christ now belongs to you!
This inspiring teaching...