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Revival Today Audio Podcast

Revival Today Audio Podcast features Live Weekly Revival Teaching by Jegede Sunday Emmanuel. 

Pastor Jegs (as he is fondly called) is a seasoned and passionate pastor, missionary, author and teacher of God's Word. He is deeply committed to revival of true Christianity, and to preparing and equipping labourers for the end-time revival and harvest.

Pastor Jegs is the General Coordinator of Heralds of Revival Ministries.

For more information, please visit

Jul 29, 2023

Every biblical text has only one authoritative meaning or interpretation, but it could have several applications.

The only authoritative meaning or interpretation of a text of the Scripture is the author's intended meaning—the text's original meaning in its original context.

How do you discover or determine the...

Jul 22, 2023

Every act of reading is also an act of interpretation. 

You cannot read and understand the Bible without interpreting it.

A wrong interpretation of a biblical text will result in an incorrect application of the biblical text.

The goals of biblical interpretation are two-fold: to discover or determine the original...

Jul 15, 2023

The Bible was written in a particular human language, culture, and context.

The Bible has to be read within the particular language, culture, and context in which it was written to understand it properly.

There is a right and wrong way to approach and read the Bible.

What is the right way to approach and read the...

Jul 8, 2023

Understanding the Bible starts with reading and studying the Bible.

You cannot understand what the Bible says or means until you open the Bible to read and study.

However, there is a right and wrong way to read the Bible.

When is the right or best time to read and study the Bible?

Where is the best place to start...

Jul 1, 2023

There is little or no benefit in just reading the Bible without understanding the meaning of a text of the Bible.

A Bible text has only one correct and authoritative meaning!

What is the correct and authoritative meaning of a text of the Bible?

Who determines the correct and authoritative meaning of a text of the...