Feb 25, 2017
It is normal for the wicked or the ungodly not to have and enjoy
peace of mind in this world, for God says, "There is no peace for
the wicked." (Isaiah 57:21 NKJV).
However, it is abnormal for the righteous (the believers in Christ)
not to have and enjoy peace of mind at all times and in all
situations (Matt. 11:28-30,...
Feb 18, 2017
Feb 11, 2017
God's unique purpose for your life is not hard or difficult to discover if you truly desire to find, pursue and fulfil it.
How do you discover, find, or know God's unique purpose for your life?
Find out in this insightful teaching (Part 6 in a series of 7) which aptly presents how you can discover God's unique purpose...
Feb 4, 2017
God's unique purpose for your life is a part of His grand plan
and purpose on earth. There is a predetermined end that God has
fixed for everything on earth and in heaven (Eph. 1:10).
What is God's Grand Plan and Purpose on Earth?
What is God's predetermined end for everything?
What is your unique place and role in...