Jun 30, 2018
The risen Lord Jesus Christ is presently seated at the right hand of God, the highest place of honour and authority.
As a believer in Christ, you are eternally united with Christ. You are one spirit with Christ.
You are therefore presently seated together with Christ at the highest place of honour and authority.
Jun 23, 2018
The born-again believers are one spirit with Christ.
They are united together with Christ in His death, resurrection, ascension, and glorification.
Understanding and walking in the consciousness of the truths of your identification with Christ is very vital to living a triumphant Christian life.
This inspiring teaching...
Jun 16, 2018
Negative emotions are simply the works, doings, or practices of the flesh. They are clear evidences of gratifying or fulfilling the desires and cravings of the flesh.
Therefore, it takes walking in the Spirit to control or overcome negative emotions.
This enlightening teaching (Part 3 - the final part) in a series aptly...
Jun 9, 2018
The battle to conquer and control your negative emotions is either won or lost in your mind.
Your mind is the control centre for your emotions.
Your emotions are primarily determined, influenced, or controlled in your mind by what you think (your predominant thoughts) and how you think (your mindset).
This enlightening...
Jun 2, 2018
Your capacity for emotions is a gift from God.
However, it is foolishness and dangerous to be controlled and driven by negative emotions.
Controlling your negative emotions starts with you taking full responsibility for your negative emotions and having a right perception.
This informative teaching (Part 1 in a series)...