Jun 27, 2020
God does not want you to think or feel that you are saved; rather, He wants you to know without a doubt that you are saved, sealed and secure in Christ.
Jesus Christ only saves to the uttermost - not partially, half-way, temporarily or for a season, but He saves completely, entirely, eternally or forever.
Your assurance...
Jun 20, 2020
Assurance of Salvation is freedom from any doubt, fear, worry or anxiety concerning your salvation.
It is possible and necessary to know with settled and absolute knowledge that you are saved, sealed and secure in Christ - not partially or temporarily, but completely and eternally.
An accurate understanding of the...
Jun 13, 2020
God does not only offer us salvation through faith in Christ, He also offers us assurance of salvation in Christ.
God wants you to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are eternally saved, sealed, and secure in Christ.
It is absolutely impossible to walk consistently in your realities in Christ without being fully...
Jun 6, 2020
Every born-again believer has been exalted together with Christ and seated in Christ at the right hand of the Father, the highest place and position of authority, honour and influence.
So, every believer in Christ shares with Christ His unlimited authority over Satan and all his demons and works.
The Part 2 of this...