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Revival Today Audio Podcast

Revival Today Audio Podcast features Live Weekly Revival Teaching by Jegede Sunday Emmanuel. 

Pastor Jegs (as he is fondly called) is a seasoned and passionate pastor, missionary, author and teacher of God's Word. He is deeply committed to revival of true Christianity, and to preparing and equipping labourers for the end-time revival and harvest.

Pastor Jegs is the General Coordinator of Heralds of Revival Ministries.

For more information, please visit

Jun 4, 2016

The devil always seeks to destroy you by seeking for something in you he can use against you. You can not resist the devil effectively if he finds an ally in you.
Jesus said, "I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.: (John 14:30 NKJV).
What are the potential allies of the devil in you?
What are the things the devil is seeking for in you to use to destroy you?
How can you frustrate the plan and plot of the devil to make you an ally with him in his battle against you?
Find out in this insightful and powerful teaching (Final Part in a series of teaching on Resisting the Devil)!