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Revival Today Audio Podcast

Revival Today Audio Podcast features Live Weekly Revival Teaching by Jegede Sunday Emmanuel. 

Pastor Jegs (as he is fondly called) is a seasoned and passionate pastor, missionary, author and teacher of God's Word. He is deeply committed to revival of true Christianity, and to preparing and equipping labourers for the end-time revival and harvest.

Pastor Jegs is the General Coordinator of Heralds of Revival Ministries.

For more information, please visit

Jul 30, 2022

Preaching the Gospel of Christ is proclaiming salvation as a gift of God to all humankind.

Preaching the Gospel of Christ is proclaiming that salvation is only available in Christ Jesus.

Preaching the Gospel of Christ is proclaiming that sinners can only receive salvation through faith in Christ and His finished work.

Jul 23, 2022

Preaching the Gospel of Christ is not calling sinners to stop sinning and start living right.

Preaching the Gospel of Christ is not condemning sinners.

Preaching the Gospel of Christ is not proclaiming God's judgment on sinners.

Part 5 of this enlightening teaching series aptly explains what the preaching of the Gospel...

Jul 16, 2022

Every believer is called and anointed to preach the gospel.

Preaching the gospel is not a special calling, ministry, or mission for some extraordinary believers.

Sinners are saved when they hear and believe the true gospel.

What is the true gospel?

What is the fundamental nature of the true gospel?

Find out in Part 4...

Jul 9, 2022

A good soldier of Christ knows and understands Christ's mandate and mission.

A good soldier of Christ wholeheartedly embraces Christ's mandate and mission as his mandate and mission.

A good soldier of Christ is actively, passionately, and faithfully devoted to fulfilling Christ's mandate and mission.

A good soldier...

Jul 2, 2022

You are a soldier of Christ in God's restoration army.

As a soldier in God's army, you must embrace Christ’s mandate and mission as yours.

You are not a good and faithful soldier if you are ignorant of and not devoted to Christ's mandate and mission.

What are Christ's mandate and mission?

Find out in Part 2 of this...