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Revival Today Audio Podcast

Revival Today Audio Podcast features Live Weekly Revival Teaching by Jegede Sunday Emmanuel. 

Pastor Jegs (as he is fondly called) is a seasoned and passionate pastor, missionary, author and teacher of God's Word. He is deeply committed to revival of true Christianity, and to preparing and equipping labourers for the end-time revival and harvest.

Pastor Jegs is the General Coordinator of Heralds of Revival Ministries.

For more information, please visit

May 30, 2020

Salvation is not merely a transformation of your heart, but it is also your spiritual relocation or translation into the Kingdom of God.

Salvation is not just a change of your nature, but also a change of your spiritual status and position.

By virtue of the new birth experience, you are no longer a captive or slave of...

May 23, 2020

There is no condemnation, not even one, for the believers in Christ. God will never declare the believers in Christ guilty at any time. The believers are forever justified in Christ!

However, Satan is the accuser of the believers and condemnation is one of his greatest weapons which he often uses against...

May 16, 2020

It grieves the heart of  God your Heavenly Father when you cringe in His presence, plead or beg Him as a beggar for what He has promised you.
Embracing condemnation will rob you of your confidence towards God, thereby hindering you from receiving freely from God.
Discover amazing gospel truths that will inspire you...

May 9, 2020

Every believer is enlisted in God's army as His soldier and is actively engaged in spiritual warfare against Satan and his cohorts.

You are not fighting for victory but in victory because Christ's victory is your personal victory over Satan and his cohorts.

However, it takes you putting on the whole armor of God for you...

May 2, 2020

The Bible aptly describes the last days we now live in as perilous or difficult times.
The Bible also reveals and describes how the believers and unbelievers will act, react, or respond to the strange and troubling events of these last days.
It is normal for the unbelievers to be troubled, alarmed, afraid, worried...