Dec 28, 2019
The Christian life is primarily, purely, and entirely a life of faith.
Therefore, living or walking by faith is not optional for you as a believer in Christ. It is the only acceptable way of life in Christ.
Part 1 of this informative teaching series clearly explains what living by faith is not and what living by faith...
Dec 21, 2019
The Scripture clearly presents God's redemption plan for the fallen mankind.
God's redemption plan entails Jesus Christ being a perfect substitute or replacement for sinners.
This enlightening and inspiring teaching aptly illustrates how Jesus Christ took our place in judgement so that we may take His place in God's...
Dec 14, 2019
It is not just the presence of the Holy Spirit in your heart that guarantees a victorious life; rather, it is being filled with the Holy Spirit - allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, rule, control or govern you.
How can you be filled with the Holy Spirit?
This enlightening teaching (Part 3 in a series) aptly presents...
Dec 7, 2019
Jesus walked and worked on earth as a Man fully yielded to and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Jesus demonstrated to us the Spirit-filled, -controlled and -empowered life.
It is God's expectation that every believer will be fully yielded to the Holy Spirit as Jesus did.
Listen and learn how to walk and work like Jesus...