Oct 28, 2017
Your born-again spirit is naturally inclined to, sensitive, receptive, and submissive to God's voice, leading and guidance.
On the contrary, your mind is naturally insensitive, unreceptive, and rebellious to God's voice, leading and guidance. This is because your mind has been set on the things of the flesh and of this...
Oct 21, 2017
There is nothing that can stop or hinder God from leading, guiding or directing His children. God is ever faithful and committed to giving you divine guidance.
Similarly, there is nothing that can stop your born-again spirit from hearing, knowing and understanding God's voice, leading or guidance. Your recreated spirit...
Oct 14, 2017
As a born-again believer, you now possess the very life of God which is the light of men. In Christ, you are in the light.
You are now a child of light, you are light in the Lord, you are the light of the world. Therefore, darkness has no right, place or part in your life (John 8:12, 12:46, Eph. 5:8, Matt. 5:14).
Oct 7, 2017
The Old Covenant Priests or Ministers were called to minister to God and to the children of Israel (Deut. 21:5).
Similarly, every born-again believer in Christ, as a New Covenant Priest, is called to minister to God and to people.
But, how should the believers in Christ minister to people?
Find out in this insightful...